
Original Darth Vader-hjelm på auktion: Har du millionerne?

Hvis du er seriøs fan af Star Wars, så skal du til at flække den helt store sparegris nu. Og måske du også skal tage lån i huset, for den her Darth Vader-hjelm koster kassen.

David Prowse bar den her hjelm i den klassiske Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back i 1980. Og nu ryger hjelmen snart på auktion.

Enhver Star Wars-fan må være villig til at give sin ene arm for den her unikke prop fra en af de største sci-fi film nogensinde.

Auktionen skriver om hjelmen:
“David Prowse “Darth Vader” screen used signature mask and helmet from Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back. (TCF, 1980) Without question, Darth Vader is one of the greatest villains ever portrayed on film. His angular, skull-like mask and helmet has been lifted to iconic status and is universally recognized as a symbol of evil in pop culture. Both the mask and helmet are constructed of fiberglass. The Mask is painted in dark metallic gray with black accents; its interior is marked with a “1” in white paint with worn foam rubber padding and tinted plastic lenses. Two of the original three elastic straps are present to secure the mask to David Prowse’s head.”

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Prisen vurderes til at blive et sted mellem 1,5 og 3 millioner kroner, når hammeren falder. Du kan finde auktionen hos her!

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